The Rights of Health Professionals and Aged Care Workers

The health services union or HSU fights for the rights of health professionals and aged care workers. The union has several campaigns dedicated to safeguarding the rights of dedicated health workers who slog day & night to give Australia its world class healthcare system. It covers workers in private health, public health, disability service, aged care or ambulance service.

Becoming a part of the Health Services Union offers you several benefits. Here is a quick look.

Journey Insurance
If you are member of the HSU, you are entitled to the Journey insurance that offers coverage against any injury that you suffer on your way to or from work. Under the Journey Insurance, HSU members get an income support of $1500 every week or 85 % of their weekly wage in case they suffer loss of income due to an accident while travelling to or from work. This insurance had been taken back by the NSW government in 2012. The HSU with its constant effort has gifted it back to its members!

Bereavement Benefit
If an HSU Member dies, the next of the kin gets $10,000 as Bereavement benefit. This comes across as a huge help for the family in times of grief & distress.

Legal Assistance
HSU Members are offered free legal assistance on matters except those related to employment. Members can enjoy discounts for legal advice on conveyancing, private or family law disputes.

Education Incentive
If you are studying or have a dependant growing child who goes to school, as member of HSU, you can enter the ballot for Education Incentive Scholarship that assists members with purchase of text books, stationary or other study tools. The HSU offers 500 such scholarships to its members every year. The winners are determined by a ballot!

The HSU has been involved in various campaigns to fight for the rights of health workers.

We All Matter :
The We All Matter campaign is all about letting the community know about the unforseen stories of health workers and aged care staff. It is about thanking allied and disability workers for their hard work that helps people lead a healthy life.

$ 1000 No Way Campaign:
It is about getting a fair parking system for health workers. Health workers in Liverpool and other areas need to pay $1000 or more a year to park their vehicle for work and even this does not guarantee them a spot.

Ambulance Paramedics:
The paramedic numbers have not at all increased in proportion to the population growth in the last 10 years. The HSU has been fighting to improve ambulance staffing in NSW.

For more details on HSU, please log on to www.hsu.asn.au


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